Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Tag 01/28/2011

  • tags: mongodb sharding

    • Sharding occurs on a per-collection basis, not on the database as a whole. This makes sense since, as our application grows, certain collections will grow much larger than others. For instance, if we were building a service like Twitter, our collection of tweets would likely be several orders of magnitude larger than the next biggest collection. The size and throughput demands of such a collection would be prime for sharding, whereas smaller collections would still live on a single server. In the context on MongoDB's sharded architecture, non-sharded collections will reside on just one of the sharded nodes.
  • tags: jsp taglib config web xml

    • 1. Reference from jsp :... Webcontent/mytest.jsp

      <%@ taglib uri="/mytags" prefix="myt" %>

      2. where this tag is located:


      3. content of web.xml

      ...some content deleted for brevity....

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.