Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Tag 01/14/2011

  • tags: Yi Wang pic

  • intellectualism

    tags: command line hack universe fun book Microsoft linux metaphor Disney

    • Gnu is an acronym for Gnu's Not Unix, but this is a joke in more ways than one, because GNU most certainly IS Unix,. Because of trademark concerns ("Unix" is trademarked by AT&T) they simply could not claim that it was Unix, and so, just to be extra safe, they claimed that it wasn't.
    • What's hard, in hacking as in fiction, is not writing; it's deciding what to write. And the vendors of commercial OSes have already decided, and published their decisions.
    • But it is the fate of operating systems to become free.
    • Like the Earth's biosphere, the technosphere is very thin compared to what is above and what is below.
    • fossilization process
    • temporal arbitrage.
    • Disney does mediated experiences better than anyone. If they understood what OSes are, and why people use them, they could crush Microsoft in a year or two.
    • But more importantly, it comes out of the fact that, during this century, intellectualism failed, and everyone knows it.
    • lip service
    • How badly we want it can be measured by the size of Bill Gates's fortune.
    • Such phenomena are fraught with concealed tipping-points and all a-tangle with bizarre feedback loops, and cannot be understood; people who try, end up (a) going crazy, (b) giving up, (c) forming crackpot theories, or (d) becoming high-paid chaos theory consultants.
    • and when he's finished typing out the command line, his right pinky hesitates above the ENTER key for an aeon or two, wondering what's going to happen; then down it comes--and the WHACK you hear is another Big Bang.
    • He would probably tell you that life is a very hard and complicated thing; that no interface can change that; that anyone who believes otherwise is a sucker; and that if you don't like having choices made for you, you should start making your own.
  • tags: ruby test unit

  • Initially, Matz looked at other languages to find an ideal syntax. Recalling his search, he said, “I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python3.”

    tags: ruby about

    • Initially, Matz looked at other languages to find an ideal syntax. Recalling his search, he said, “I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python3.”
  • tags: world tweet 3D twitter

  • tags: pong game window

  • tags: plot graph

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.