Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yi Wang's Tag 02/06/2011

  • tags: DRM

    • it is more accurate to describe DRM as Digital Restrictions Management.
  • 两位女友如今都是红遍中国的名人。加上家庭方面不用操心,身材容貌都保养得很好,如果丈夫出轨,她们身边有的是愿意和女名人好的男人。她们既独立,又主动。对付中国这种大环境,应该趁年轻,在事业上得到男人的帮助,尽量往大了做,只有脑筋不够的女孩才花全部身心以色换财,花大力气钓金龟婿,甚至主动献身,而她们多半没有好结局。中国在商业化的社会进程中,对于任何一点稀有资源(包括成功男人),竞争都是激烈的残酷无情的。江湖险恶,立于不败之地的女人都是既有智慧有实力,独立程度又高的女人。

    tags: 女人 中国

    • 两位女友如今都是红遍中国的名人。加上家庭方面不用操心,身材容貌都保养得很好,如果丈夫出轨,她们身边有的是愿意和女名人好的男人。她们既独立,又主动。对付中国这种大环境,应该趁年轻,在事业上得到男人的帮助,尽量往大了做,只有脑筋不够的女孩才花全部身心以色换财,花大力气钓金龟婿,甚至主动献身,而她们多半没有好结局。中国在商业化的社会进程中,对于任何一点稀有资源(包括成功男人),竞争都是激烈的残酷无情的。江湖险恶,立于不败之地的女人都是既有智慧有实力,独立程度又高的女人
  • tags: wolfram computing api dev

  • horrendous

    tags: read code blog

  • tags: Sony Androd Game

  • tags: PS Android

  • tags: vi reference list

  • tags: RMS interview question GNU Linux God sed life

    • As far as I know, there is no such problem with Android Market.

      If you want to release a version for the iGroan and iBad, I suggest
      that you stop dealing with iTunes. Instead, distribute it youself and
      invite people to jailbreak in order to install it.
    • When you meet people who think free software is supposed to be gratis,
      tell them "It's free as in freedom; it doesn't have to be gratis."
      Then refer them to, and you
      should be able to educate them with very little effort on your part.
      When you get practiced in doing this and you see how easy it is,
      you won't feel annoyed when the need arised.
    • Today, relatively few people care about the Linux
      kernel itself. The focus has moved towards the operating systems built
      upon GNU/Linux, with Ubuntu at its forefront. Meanwhile, the Linux
      kernel, while impressive, is Mostly Good Enough
    • RMS: Tax software can and should be released by the state under a free
      license. But when the state fails to do its duty, the community
      do the job.
    • In Brazil, FSF Latin America releases free software for filing tax
      returns, and this year managed to release the free program before the
      state released its nonfree program. So don't say it's impossible.

    • Meanwhile, there are many other injustices in the world. (See the political notes for some of them.) So if we ever win the
      battle to end proprietary software, I will turn my attention to
      another cause.
    • 11. RoastBeefOnCHimp: How do you deal with the seemingly endless stream of ad hominem
      attacks relating to your communication style, choice of clothing,
      grooming, etc., instead of the substance of the issues you're

      RMS: Usually I ignore them and continue talking about the more important
      issues that go beyond my own personality.

      If somoene asks a question in a nasty tone, I may decide to answer it.
      I often start with something like, "A nasty question isn't entitled to
      an answer, but I'll answer it anyway." Then I try to extract a
      meaningful question out of the hostility, and give it a straight,
      non-hostile answer. Sometimes this leads people to reconsider their
    • I disagree with
      that goal, because I value freedom more than technical progress.
    • The main shortcoming of Linux is at the level of device support. The
      obstacle there isn't a lack of ability among Linux developers, but
      rather the use of devices whose specs are secret.
    • Today's
      genetically engineered organisms were made by the equivalent of using
      `sed' to patch an executable which was mostly a black box.
    • Natural organisms never had anything like source code. The genetic
      code of an organism is more comparable to a binary (in fact,
      quaternary) executable. Imagine a C compiler made by patching the
      binary of hello.c a billion times in a genetic algorithm and you'll
      see how hard this is to understand.
    • If some day the technology for changing organisms predictably is as
      mature as changing programs predictably was in 1958, then the freedom
      to change and share and use genomes will be an important political
      issue comparable to that of free software today.
    • I read a book of advice for activists, in the late 80s or early 90s,
      which had advice I can rephrase as follows: "Don't start by trying to
      raise funds for the activity. Start by doing the activity, and then
      funds may come. And if they don't, at least you will be doing some
      of the job rather than getting nowhere."
  • tags: App Linux package system

    • - 结论


      我们可以这样设想一下,也许这种技术将会为我们带来一个类似于 MAC App Store 那样的 Gnu/Linux  APP Store ,这岂不是超赞的事情。

  • tags: USB tethering Mac

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.